Happy New Year everyone! I just wanted to pop on and write a post talking about whats been happening with me during 2021.

I’m not gonna lie. I have had quite a journey with my relationship with food. And with journeys not being linear, I think we all can agree there has been a shift on this page.
Throughout the pandemic I have learned so much about food knowledge and techniques to make wonderful things. I have also learned about some sensitivities I have when it comes to some dairy and other things.
And with all this new food experience and awareness of how my body reacts to some things, its had made me develop some, maybe controversial statements about how western culture thinks about food. Because I’ll say it:
Diet culture sucks and I don’t want to be apart of it anymore!
Im not saying I am going to put my health to the way side. In fact, I have seen better habits and a smaller number on the scale with this decision. I am just tired of the balancing act of excluding some food groups, spending larger amounts of money for ingredients substitutions, and eating sub par recipes by fitness fanatics that are protein conscious.

There are countries that don’t exclude food groups. There are people who can eat bread, cheese, and pasta and have a trimmed waistline. I don’t think you need to be restricting yourself for the sake of good appearance.
I believe in moderation and thinking about whole foods as the majority of your diet is a healthy balance. I also see listening to your body and eating foods that make you feel good is also key.
With that being said, I do want to touch on how I am eating so you can expect recipes that correlate with these new found sensitivities I have.
I have a bizzaro lactose intolerance. I can’t eat anything with a lot of milkfat such as whole milk, ice cream, cream, etc. But I can enjoy cultured dairy like yogurts, some cheeses, and kefir. Also, since I have a lot of gallbladder issues in my family, I don’t do well with a lot of high fat foods like pistacious, avocado, and macadamia nuts. I still eat these from time to time but in moderation.
I have a few plant-based meals throughout the week and I stay away from the red meat or processed stuff most of the time.
Throughout the pandemic I also picked up a lot of baking tips and techniques that I love to do time to time on my days off.
With all these intolerances in mind, I am going to enjoy this year with recipes that are effortlessly on the healthy side as well as tasty. I also want to bring some indulgent recipes for balance and even baking techniques.
So what else can I expect from Vegiventurer?
Throughout my time making this blog I always wanted to bring things that I have been enjoying in the months as well and share what cookbooks I recommend, who have I found on tik tok or other social media that I think is awesome, and so much more.
With that being said, I want to end this post and start this new year with some things that I have loved throughout december and do a big ole send to this post so I can start consistently making recipes for ya’ll. So here are some things that pulled me through the last month of 2021
- Cookbooks: Escapism Cooking by Mandy Lee, The Rise to Run series by Shalane Flanagan and & Elyse Kopecky, and Grains For Every Season by Justin McFadden
- Ingredients: I know this is a weird category but I just noticed i gravitate to certain ingredients all the time because of how versatile or good they are so I have been going through some Faye 0% greek yogurt, oats, and blueberries.
- Media: The Great British Baking Show of course. That show was half the reason I went into all my baking adventures.
I hope to see you guys around very soon! I know a lot of people said 2020 was going to be the year but I have a huge feeling that 2022 is the one. Happy New year.